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  Then he was on Trudy, lathering her tightness with lube, sending fingers into her, one at a time at first, and then two and three. He slid so much cock into her on the first entry that she almost bit down on Brett. Brett grabbed her face and pulled her off him, until she had adjusted to the massive invasion on her rear. When it was clear that adjustment had been made, he eased her back onto himself, watching Alec’s thick rod going almost all the way into her. It was really quite a sight to behold.

  Alec was out of her as soon as she had also brought herself to an orgasm. He watched for a moment as the two women worked on the cocks in their mouths. Then he pulled them off, and lays them both on their sides. He offered Lex and Brett a taste, but of each other’s wives. This was, after all, that kind of party. Without thinking too much of it, Brett was behind Trudy, Lex behind Sarah, both of them easing their cocks into the tight assholes. Alec positioned himself between the two women, and as they licked his cock, being rear-ended by husbands not their own, he smiled to himself, happy with what he had achieved in Savanah, and thinking that it might just be time for him to move on…


  Boss Me

  Chapter 1

  Megan smoothed an imaginary stray hair back into her flawless French twist and tapped her perfectly manicured nails on the glossy surface of her desk. She hated waiting under any circumstance, but it especially irritated her when it was one of her employees that she was waiting for.

  Matthew came scurrying in about five minutes late with a petrified look on his face. He knew better than to keep his boss waiting, but was far more concerned than a normal employee since he was also casually sleeping with her.

  It was a matter of convenience for both of them. They were both single, and occasionally needed a date for an event or easy companionship for an evening. Both were dedicated career people, and really had no time to meet anyone outside the office.

  Megan was only passionate about her career. Even in the bedroom she was calm and in control. She let out an irritated sigh, her perfectly plucked brow furrowed, and gestured for Matthew to take a seat at the conference table.

  He slid into one of the chairs, and popped open the screen of his laptop to begin. She rose from behind her desk, and his eyes slid down her long, trim legs to the points of her stiletto heels. He bit back a moan. She was nothing but cool, calm, and collected. Just once he wanted to see her wild and crazy and screaming his name.

  This was not to be that day.

  In stony professionalism, they reviewed the spreadsheets of their latest target. Megan owned a very large and extremely successful Real Estate Investment Trust, and they had been eying several acquisitions in the last few months. Since Matthew was the Vice President of Acquisitions, the bulk of the responsibility fell on him and his team.

  Megan’s team of direct reporters had been hand-selected and carefully crafted. She wanted to make sure that she could rely on those she had working for her, and there was no doubt as to whether Matthew was capable. She found him pleasant enough to look at, and had struck up a casual sexual relationship with him, but knew that he was long-term material. Just not for her.

  Well, some day he would make someone happy and provide a very nice little life. Neither that life nor Matthew was what she wanted permanently. He was the white picket fence, 2.3 children, and a little fluffy dog type. She was not. She was the corporate jet-set, high-rise condo type.

  “Dinner at the Ritz, 6:00?” she asked crisply as their conference ended Matthew stood with his hand on the doorknob. He nodded mutely and exited. She could tell what he wanted. He wanted her to stay the night with him just one time. But she always left afterwards.

  Around six o’clock that evening, Megan shut down her laptop and locked it into her desk, as always. She stood in front of the mirror that hung behind her door and studied her reflection. In her mid-thirties, she was proud of the fact that her face looked experienced but ageless. Her dark blonde hair was swept back into a French twist, and she wore just enough makeup to make her creamy skin look flawless. She smoothed on a dusky rose lipstick, and straightened her suit jacket. Her clothes were tailored to flatter without emphasizing anything. Matthew was starkly aware of her well-maintained figure, but no one else in the office really could tell, except for the way her stilettos accentuated her shapely calves.

  She slung her cobalt leather purse over her shoulder, and took the private elevator down to the garage where her driver was waiting. Matthew was already there, standing patiently by the door to let her in.

  Megan slid across the black leather seat. She could feel Matthew’s eyes traveling up her exposed thigh. His pining was becoming annoying with each passing hook-up, and she was contemplating calling it quits.

  Matthew longed to throw caution to the wind and take her right there on the sumptuous black leather back seat, letting his tongue trace where his eyes had been. But when she glanced up at him through thick, dark lashes looking more irritated than flattered, he just slid inside.

  Dimly lit, the restaurant oozed class. Fine white table cloths, expensive china, and silver graced the tables. Soft jazz music played in the background, blocking only the sounds of soft chatter and laughter. Tuxedoed waiters moved elegantly throughout.

  Matthew gave Megan a guarded smile. She smiled back, he was relieved to see.

  “Are we ready for the week-end retreat?” he asked her. Megan had arranged for her entire senior staff to spend a long weekend at a mountain resort.

  Surprisingly enough, she actually believed in team building. Most people would have assumed that was entirely too touchy-feely for someone like her, but she knew that a unified team created a unified company. She had made the arrangements for everyone, including a new hire that had not started yet. Her staff had recently added a head of security, but due to conflicting schedules she had not met him yet as yet. It would be an ideal way to introduce him to the team.

  After a routine roll in the hay with Matthew after dinner, she dressed quickly and was on her way. Matthew felt abandoned, as always, but was in no position to really do anything about it.

  As Megan’s driver pulled away from the curb of Matthew’s penthouse apartment building, a large figure stood in the shadows off to the side of the entrance. Startled, Megan momentarily thought about notifying security. He lit a cigarette and wandered away from the building, so she settled back into the seat and closed her eyes for the few minutes it would take to get home.

  Street lights streamed in through the wall-to-ceiling windows of her luxurious, down-town condo. Megan carefully laid her suit on the chair in the corner of her bedroom, and slipped under the sheets in nothing but her black satin thong. Tension drifted from her body like liquid as she she lay back, letting herself sink into the mattress. Sighing, she let her mind wander where it would. Matthew … the upcoming week-end away … Her self-imposed aloneness… It had been years since she’d shared a bed with anyone all night, and as she drifted off she pondered what that would feel like. But in the back of her head, she suspected it would never be Matthew.

  Chapter 2

  Mac’s dark eyes skated over the town car as it pulled away with the knockout blonde inside. He had observed her entering the building with a well-dressed stiff business type, and smirked when she left alone about an hour later. She seemed like the type who never let loose. Mac knew exactly what had transpired over that hour, and yet her makeup had been flawless and her hair was still perfect. Oh, how he would like to see her undone!

  He lit a cigarette and walked away from his new apartment building. He had just moved to town and was still getting his bearings, so walking around at night served that purpose as well as clearing his head.

  His departure from the Marines had been spotty, but in the end they had given him an honorable discharge which he greatly appreciated. Personal security was much more his speed, but he had to begrudgingly admit that his time in the service had provided him with the skills and the resume to get jobs. He had pictured something much mor
e exciting than a stale corporate job. Head of security for some suit types was not his ideal gig, but it paid well and he had some debts to climb out of.

  He had already made contact with a few old colleagues in the city, and was headed out to meet one of them for a drink. There were certain types he needed to be aware of in town and the other fellows like him were his best bet for scoping out the situation.

  He knew he cut an imposing figure wherever he went. The hostess’s eyes at the bar went wide when he filled the doorway. She was a tiny young thing, and he had a feeling she would be fun, but it was time for business first. If she was still there when he finished, he might consider a little relaxation time with her. She looked like the squealing type and he loved that.

  His friend, Stone, waved him over to a table in the dimly lit corner, and he squeezed his large frame into the wooden chair, sitting cautiously in case the chair gave way. A busty little waitress bounced over to them. Mac grinned at her when she stopped with her generous breasts at his eye level.

  “What can I get you fellas?” she giggled.

  “A double shot of yourself, if you don’t mind,” Stone was grinning hungrily at the girl too.

  She giggled again, “Not on the menu, Sir, but peeks are free.”

  She bent over to give them both a better look, and Mac felt a twitching under the fly of his black cargo pants. It had been too long since he’d had a nice bouncy roll in the hay, and her low-cut top and short shorts were evil reminders of that lack.

  “Double Scotch, neat,” Mac rumbled deeply.

  She cocked her head towards him and shifted her hips so that her tits jiggled nicely in her push up bra.

  “Same,” Stone answered.

  She bounced off, and they watched her round little ass sway as she disappeared around a corner.

  “Damn,” Stone groaned. “Two rounds of that would set me happy.”

  Mac chuckled, “You old pervert, she’s young enough to be your daughter.”

  Stone punched him on the arm, “Asshole. I saw you looking too.”

  “Yeah, but I’m better looking than you so no one would question it.”

  The two old Marine buddies chuckled at their own humor.

  She returned momentarily, still radiating bouncy temptation, and made sure to bend over generously when she set the drinks down. Mac felt his cock twitch again

  Stone was still leering at the girl, “So… what do you have to eat around here?”

  She flushed pink and giggled again without actually responding.

  “Guess I have to go hungry,” Stone flippantly remarked to Mac once she left.

  With the distraction gone, Mac and Stone settled into their drinks and their discussion. Stone gave him the rundown of what parts of town to avoid and what parts to visit for information. Mac described his limited knowledge of his new job. Stone just laughed at him.

  “Seriously? You’re going to go babysit a whole bunch of stiffs for a living?”

  “Hey man, don’t knock it ‘til you try it. They’re paying me a nice six figures plus they’ve covered my relocation expenses.”

  “Geezus, can you hire me too?”

  Mac laughed, “I haven’t even started yet, asshole, so no.”

  After the second round of drinks, Mac decided to call it a night since his first day of work was the next day. Stone collected the phone number of the young waitress, so Mac stopped to chat with the hostess at the front. She giggled and fawned and easily gave up her number. Mac ran his large hand over her rounded little ass and squeezed firmly. She playfully swatted his bicep, and he just grinned down at her delicate little hand. He knew better than to take her home that night, but he would probably be back to that little joint and he would work it then.

  He showered when he got home, letting the hot water stream over his smoothly shaven head and muscular back. It felt good to work out the kinks in his bulging biceps and thick neck. As he soaped, he kept picturing the giggly women from the bar. As his mind wrapped around their images, his hand wrapped around himself.

  He pictured a nice, bubbly hot tub, no swimsuits, and both of them climbing all over him. He grunted loudly and sprayed against the opposite shower wall. Resting his forehead against the tiles, he rinsed off. When he slid between his sheets that night, he felt mildly more relaxed. But only to the extent that a starving man had been given a spoonful of white rice.

  He needed some company and soon.

  Chapter 3

  Megan conferred with her assistant to finalize all of the arrangements for the retreat that upcoming weekend. Everyone would be working until lunch on Friday. Then they would all head up to the resort she had reserved. Even though it was only her senior staff attending the formal retreat, she gave the entire office the afternoon off; it only seemed fair.

  She was only half looking forward to the outing. She was not one to let her hair down, ever. But it was inevitable that she would have to sometime during the weekend. A few months ago, she had attended a leadership conference and had learned all about team building. She had never put much stock into such activities, seeing them as a waste of time. But she’d learned ways that it could improve the bottom line and the company’s productivity. That had changed her way of thinking, and she had set her assistant to the task of planning something.

  She was slightly apprehensive about meeting the new head of security, and felt off-kilter about having hired senior staff that she had never met. She trusted those who had hired him, but still, it did not sit well with her sense of control.

  Matthew had been hinting around at another dinner ‘date’ but she kept putting him off. She knew he was getting too attached and continuing to see him would only give him the wrong idea, furthering those desires of his. She was not looking for any sort of long-term situation, and she knew he was.

  “Megan?” he tentatively asked from her doorway.

  “Yes, Matthew?” she kept her voice calm, cool, and professional.

  “Here are those staffing numbers you wanted. Did you want to grab dinner tonight?”

  “Ah, thank you for the report but I already have plans tonight.”

  His handsome face fell, and she momentarily felt sorry for leading him on. He was pleasant to look at -- short wavy dark hair, smiling blue eyes, and a firm jawline. Since she had seen him naked, she also knew that he was trim and toned without being bulky and overly muscular. He had the slim runner’s body. And there was nothing in particular that was off-putting about him, he just did not fit into her plan or what she had in mind.

  “Perhaps we can have a drink at the retreat,” she offered to soften the blow.

  He nodded and disappeared from her office.

  They both knew that the staff knew, but no one ever said anything about their casual liaisons.

  It was extremely rare for Megan to leave the office early, but she did so on Thursday afternoon to get ready for the trip. She kept her appointments at her favorite spa for a bikini wax, a manicure, and a pedicure, and afterwards stopped at a nearby deli for a quick dinner. Once she got home, she perused her closet and tried to determine which of her high-priced clothing would be most appropriate for a work outing in the mountains.

  She had seen pictures of the facility, and it certainly was not rustic by any stretch. But she was torn between looking too professional for the setting and too casual for a boss. She finally decided on two pairs of snug jeans, a couple of nicely tailored sweaters, and a pair of riding boots as well as a pair of sneakers. She also included a couple of semi-fancy dresses for the cocktails and dinners as well as a swimsuit and cover-up. It seemed like such a ‘first world problem’, but being an independently wealthy self-made woman did have its trials. After her toiletries were packed, she set the suitcase by the front door and headed to bed.

  The next morning, she dressed for work as usual, and arrived spot on time. Looking around, she noticed very little being accomplished. It seemed no one had any plans to work for this half-day. Megan made a mental note to discuss this
at a future staff meeting.

  Promptly at noon, Megan was the first to depart, and the rest of the entire office emptied immediately after her. Her little red sports car made quick time up the mountain. She wanted to meet the head of security before she had an audience. If any red flags went off, she would be able to terminate him without making a public scene.

  She parked via valet and allowed the porter to carry in her luggage while she kept her purse and her briefcase with her. Her assistant had booked her into the ‘honeymoon suite’, and the front desk attendant fawned all over her as she was checked in for the group.

  “The remainder of my staff will arrive shortly. They will just need to tell you ‘Adams Realty’ to check in. Everything but incidentals are being covered by the company.”